Frequently Asked Questions

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  •      What kind of information is available on this portal ?

    This portal reflects the consumption pattern of past five years for capital goods and MRO items as well as projects the future consumption of these items by Oil companies.

    It also gives an insight of various items categorized by Oil companies to increase the import substitution and save on foreign exchange.

  •      How user can register/ login into this portal?

    The user can register/ login into this portal through the Portal Registration/ Sign-In option available under the login/ Sign-Up section which can be reached at https://www.lakshya-bharat.com/Account/Login.

  •      What is the purpose of the “Expression of Interest” (EOI) form and how prospective supplier can submit this?

    The purpose of “Expression of Interest” (EOI) form is that any prospective supplier/ technology provider/ Investor, whether Indian/ foreign, can submit their expression through this form to collaborate with other supplier.

    The EOI can be submitted by any supplier only after registering on this portal or if registration is already completed, then after logging into this portal by using their username and password.

  •      How user can find the statistics of procurement made by OIL companies from the MSE sector?

    The user can find the statistical data of total procurement of goods and services made by various Oil companies from MSE sector by visiting “Micro & Small Enterprises” tab available on the main webpage. This tab will navigate the user to the webpage dedicated to show the department wise procurement done from MSE sector on financial year basis.

  •      How user can find the flagship programs implemented in various Oil companies?

    The user can find the flagship programs implemented in different Oil companies by visiting the “Flagship Program of Government of India” tab available on the main webpage. These enlistment procedures can also be found by visiting OPSU web pages by clicking on the company logo available at the bottom of the ministry page.

  •      How supplier can find the GOI policies/ initiatives applicable in Oil & Gas industry?

    The user can find the GOI policies/ initiatives by visiting the header OPSU web pages by clicking on the company logo available at the bottom of the ministry page.

  •      How user can visit OPSU specific web pages for detailed information?

    The user can visit OPSU web pages by clicking on the company logo available at the bottom of the ministry page.

  •      What are Capital goods & MRO items ?

    Capital goods are physical assets that a company uses in the manufacturing process to manufacture products and services that consumers will use. Examples of Capital Goods are machinery, equipment, vehicles, and tools.

    MRO items are the items that are actually the components or parts of capital goods but during operation there is wear & tear of these components and therefore they require replacement. Examples of MRO items are gaskets, packings, lubricating oil etc. 

  •      What is the objective of this portal ?

    This portal is intended to provide comprehensive information regarding the demand scenario in the case of Capital Goods and MRO items in the Oil & Gas sector.

    This will help the potential investors to finalize their investment strategy.

  •      Who are the beneficiaries of this portal ?

    The beneficiaries of this portal are as under:

    1. Suppliers
    2. Oil Companies
    3. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
    4. Macro-Economic Planners
    5. Potential Financial Investors


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